Friday, April 8, 2011

Sketchy Fridays

In the fall of 2007 I had the chance to live in Rome, studying architecture for 4 months (hey, don't make fun).  While there, we were required to keep a sketchbook and produce at least 1 drawing per day.  It was a daunting task.  Like most of my classmates, I got into architecture school because I loved to draw....but also like most of my classmates, the rigour of 4 years of architecture school had left little time for drawing, painting etc.  I was rusty, and my first few sketches showed it.  But, as the weeks and months went by, I improved.

The best part of sketching daily was the memories it created.  While I had intended to keep a daily journal while in Rome, I barely made it past the first week of entries.  Instead, my sketchbook became my visual journal.  For each sketch, I can remember so many details - from the weather that day, to what I was eating while sketching, who I was with, and even what we did before and after.

Here are three of my favourites.  They currently live on a plate rail in our Dining Room.

Trajan's Forum.

Piazza Santa Marie in Trastevere (my school is located on the second floor of the building in the background)

Il Colosseo (The Coliseum)

Sadly, I haven't sketched much since Rome...but, I plan to start.  After all, Citify is about love of the city, and for me, drawing the city = loving the city.  So, it's time to start sketching Hamilton.  The plan is to post a sketch each Friday - if I managed one a day in Rome, how hard can one a week be?  We'll see....


ps - the frames were another great find from Tessa's, did we ever score some good stuff from her!


Christine said...

I thought it was spelled, "Colosseum", but apparently, both are correct. Hm!

Citify said...

no wonder I always have to look the spelling of Colosseum/Coliseum up!